Saturday, October 4, 2014

Week five - 2014

It was another lazy week. I don't know if I'm just feeling over scheduled with music on Mondays and swim classes Tuesday and Thursday, but I can't seem to get much schooling done. Luckily, most of life is a teachable moment. 

We played our letter E game. It was a practice of whether you could hear the item on the card or not. Some of them were better suited to in the middle. 

We were a couple letters behind on writing, so we caught up with that. Writing is frustrating for Jace, it seems, so I'm not sure if workbook stuff is the best way to go for him. I'm thinking of looking into "Handwriting Without Tears" for later. I'm sure some of it is that he's still little. Must remember that writing is not critical right now. He can't even read yet. 

We went up to Morgan for the weekend to see general conference. During a break, the kids helped pick some raspberries from the garden. We talked about where they came from, how they're harvested, and how much it would take to produce food for everyone. 

Jace also helped grandpa pick some tomatoes that were just the right color. 

Reading the picture scriptures with Jace each night before bed seems to be going well. We've been able to point out why we do or don't do certain things based on what revelations were given. We happened to read about the first conferences right when this weekend's started. It's fun to see him make some connections.